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December 2013

  /  2013

The Lewis family invited me to their home and golf course, Alderdale Greens to capture their family in true form. Thankfully, the rain drops parted JUST long enough for us to venture to a few holes and the tractor barn. Such a fun family!

It was a gorgeously warm day at Dundee Golf Resort & Cottages for Christie & Allan's beautiful wedding earlier this summer. Their ceremony was mid-afternoon, so they opted to break tradition a little bit and meet up before the celebration began. I absolutely love these moments, often called "First-Looks"— when the bride and groom sneak away privately

Any family photo session that wraps up with a cannonball into the pool, is OK in my books. ha! Nothing says "family" quite like photos in your own backyard. More and more families are opting to keep it close to home and have images captured of them in their day-to-day environments. The Munro family spend most of their

Remington was one happy pup to hear that mom and dad got engaged. Kaleigh and Matthew are getting married next year, so while they were home in Cape Breton on vacation, we got together for a little warm-up engagement shoot, and Remi tagged along for the experience. We walked a around downtown Sydney for a while and

Annie Beth and Justin, originally from Cape Breton and getting married here this summer, have set their roots and are now living in beautiful Halifax. After some chatting we thought it might be fun to take advantage of one of their visits home here to Cape Breton and actually divide their session into two: half here at

Check out some of my favorite photos taken for the Maxner family. Mom Lindsey, is a recent CBU nursing grad so we worked in a few gown photos into their session as well. With two high energy little gals, Zoey and Avery, I can imagine it must be a relief to be finished up and can settle

I'm sure with a quadruple word score, Adam popped the question using their favorite board game. We set out to incorporate Scrabble along with the picnic spot he proposed into their engagement session and thankfully May's beautiful sunny glow joined us on the water as well.

Ahhhh spring. Birds a chirpin', flowers buddin' and it's out with the old. An opportunity to throw open our windows, let some fresh air in, toss out the crap and embrace new ideas that help to simplify our lives. That's exactly what I've been picking at over the past few weeks in prep for a particularly busy

Meet the beautiful newborn twin sister's Paisley & Priya. They just stole my heart. Thank you Leanne and Stephen, for allowing me into your home to help capture this special time. Enjoy!

No other session has made me sob with happiness quite this much. Sarita is my longest and one of my dearest friends. Almost 30 years we've known each other. So, to witness the happiness and love practically bubbling over and shared between she, her awesome husband Colin and their beautiful daughter Priya, can not be topped! Family

In need of a professional image for your business?  15-20 minute in-studio headshot sessions are only $50 (+tax), which includes a convenient 10-image online gallery to choose your keepers;  i.e., no need to schedule a second viewing session. Easy peezy. Book now.

Check out a few favorite shots from Zack's custom high school grad studio session. He's a young man with many talents and hobbies, so the plain ol' cap and gown just didn't cut the mustard. These sessions are a blast. Be who you are and celebrate it. And in this case,