Little Charlie was born at 1:23 am on January 1st; just a touch shy of being the first baby of 2018 in Cape Breton. What a way to ring in the New Year! Here are some sweet highlights of her newborn portrait session on her 18th day.
Gorgeous 21 day old Teagan. xo
Adorable Lucas on this 14th day, was a dream sleeper and
Highlights from sweet Caleb's newborn session on his 7th day.
Sweet Arthur on his 10th day. xo
Highlights from sweet Brody's newborn session on his 18th day.
17 day old blonde beauty Nathan stole my heart with his little strawberry birthmark. Here are highlights from his session.
Sweet little 19 day old Ella Colleen.
Sweet little Carver visited the studio on his 8th day. What a beautiful little soul. His older brother and sister are sure happy to finally meet him too. :)
Little Hayley visited just a day shy of her 2 month birthday. Normally I don't photograph little ones at this age, since technically they don't fall under the "newborn" category and are typically much trickier to photograph. That 7-14 day window, even with a little bit of grace is often the best age to have your little
15 day old Levi has the most beautiful dark hair. Not to mention -- LEAFS FAN! He's a man after my own heart ;)
Sweet Oriana visited my studio on her 14th day. Here's a collection of my favorites images from her newborn shoot.
Sweet, smiley Tedaeus absolutely melted me. You'll see why, if you scroll down. Good Lord, look at those cheeks! Here are a few highlights on his 10th day.
A few highlights from sweet Nathan's newborn session. Mr. Smiley pants ;)
Piper Snow
Beautiful 14 day old Piper completely threw my ovaries into overdrive. lol! You'll understand as you scroll down and see THE most adorable baby rolls I've ever laid eyes on.
Baby Elliott
A few favorites from precoius 10 day old Mr. Cutie Pie, Elliott's newborn session. What a little charmer!
Little Luna
Working on this little cutie's gallery of images almost has me in tears. As soon as her parents sat her down in her car seat when they brought her into the studio, it was like traveling back in time. Little Luna looked so much like our Emelia when she was the same age; it blew my mind. Her
Sweet boy
Would you just look at this sweet little boy! My gosh -- 9 days new and he has the cutest little rolls and smile. xo
Blake Alexander
Highlights from precious 11 day old Blake's newborn session. Look at that little pucker!
Baby Evelyn
Here are some of beautiful Evelyn's featured portraits which were created on her 13th day. Look at that precious head of hair and little pout! I seriously count my blessings every single day, that I get to do this for a living. xo
Baby Victoria
Goodness Gracious, that's all I can say. Precious 8 day old Victoria not only shared the spotlight with her beloved big fur sister Tabby, but offered a few beautiful smiles for me to capture. What a little doll. xo
Baby Breton
Sweet 22 day old baby Breton, slept like a champ for his newborn portraits. Look at those adorable little overalls. Sheesh!
Baby Malia'n
Beautiful Maila'n on her 13th day. This little beauty definitely stole my heart. xo
Baby Harley
Beautiful Harley came in for his newborn portraits on his 13th day, with the sweetest fuzzy back rolls and a full head of hair. Melt my heart why don't you!
Baby Abbigale
Highlights from beautiful 12 day old Abbigale's newborn portrait session.
Baby Layne
Highlights from sweetie pie Layne's first photo session. ~ 9 days old
Baby Claire
Highlights from beautiful 13 day old Claire's newborn portrait session.
Baby Jack
A few favorites from beautiful Jack's newborn portrait session on his 14 day.
Hayden & Landen
Born a little early, twin brothers Hayden & Landen were 4 weeks old when they came to visit for their newborn portraits. I was in heaven —having double the snuggles during their session.
Baby Clara
Sweet Clara on her 8th day.
Baby Coby
A few highlights from beautiful Coby's newborn session with his family.